Download Utility Plug-In Extensions (PIEs)
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About Argus ONE PIEs |
PIEs, standing for Plug-In Extensions are Plug-ins or Extensions adding specific functionality to Argus ONE or automating Argus ONE operations. Argus ONE PIEs are like Excel Macros, PhotoShop Plug-Ins or ArcView extensions. More in-depth discussion is available in the PIEs page which also refers you to the PIE development kit. To download Fully Integrated Models click this link |
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Download and use Utility PIEs |
We placed a number of utility Plug-In Extensions (PIEs) for you to download and use free of charge. Many of the PIEs have been added to the standard installation of Argus ONE and thus only their description appears here. Some of these PIEs source codes are also available as part of the PIE Development Kit (PDK) from our ftp site.
If you want to share your PIEs with other users please send us a copy with a short description and we will post it here.
- The PIE ArrayPIE is available for use within export templates. It offers a one dimensional array which can be initialized, assigned values and return them on call. You can use as many arrays PIEs as you need within an export template, by creating duplicates of the original ArrayPIE. The name by which the PIE will be called from within the export template is the name you give it when you duplicate it. If you want to use more than one ArrayPIE you must have a unique name for each of the copies you make. The PIE is described in detail on page 54 s4 Supplement version 4 in the Argus ONE User's Guide.
Import ShapeFile PIE - now freely distributed with Argus ONE (part of the GIS module)
The Import component of the ShapeFile IO PIE. - Imports Arc/Info and ArcView Shape Files
The Import ShapeFile PIE allows you to import data and information collected and maintained using Arc/Info and ArcView to Argus ONE. The PIE alows one to import Arc/Info/View objects (Arcs, etc.) and the attributes associated with them. The PIE is free of charge. All you need to do to use the PIE is pull down its menu from the File Menu->Import. The PIE has been used by users to import files as large as 9 MB of maps stored in Arc/Info. The PIE is binary compatible. You can read Arc/Info/View files created on any platform on all platforms Argus ONE is available for. If you want to tailor this PIE for a specific Arc/Info application contact us for help and source code.
Unit Conversions PIE - now freely distributed with Argus ONE (part of the GIS module)
The Unit Conversion PIE contains 80 useful conversions and constants. These include: Constants, Length, Area, Volume, Cubic, Weight, Force, Mass, Velocity, Energy, Temperature, Pressure, Work, Power and Heat conversions. When present in the ArgusPIE directory the unit conversions functions appear in the Expression Dialog under the PIEs group. If you need other conversions you can either write to Argus and request that we add them, or do so yourself.
Coordinate Transformation PIE
The Coordinate Transformation PIE is part of the PDK samples and is simple example for writing PIE functions. When present in the ArgusPIE directory the Coordinate Transformation functions appear in the Expression Dialog under the PIEs group. If you need other coordinate transformation functions you can either write to Argus and request that we add them, or do so yourself.
Mesh SuperBlocks PIE - A Quadrilateral Mesh Generator
The SuperBlocks PIE is an Auto Mesh Generation PIE for creating quadrilateral element meshes. When present in the ArgusPIE directory the SuperBlocks PIE adds a new mesh generation engine to Argus ONE application.
Nearest Neighbor Interpolator
The nearest neighbor interpolator is a simple interpolation example for use with Argus ONE Data type layers. It is mainly placed on the ftp site as part of the PDK. See SRI's interpolation PIEs below for the additional interpolation PIEs.
Triangulation based Interpolation - now freely distributed with Argus ONE (part of the GIS module)
This PIE interpolates between contours in Information type layers by first creating a triangulation between the contours and their vertices. The triangulation/interpolation PIE is based on the 624 algorithm. After installing the PIE it installs two additional menu items in the layers interpretation method, the "624 Interpolation" and the "624 Interpolation (no zxzy). The latter is faster but may produce inferior results. The PIE may be used by selecting one of these two menu options.
Spreadsheet PIE - version 1.2 freely distributed with Argus ONE (as part of the GIS module)
Enables import of point data from spreadsheet-like text files into Information and Data type layers.
To read more about this PIE and how to use please click here
Virtual Nodes PIE
The VirtualNodes PIE, developed by Argus, allows users of the Quad and Tri finite element MeshMaker modules to export 6 node triangular elements, and 8 and 9 node quadrilateral elements. Using this PIE users can export 6, 8 and 9 node FEM topologies and also evaluate node values at these extra nodes. The VirtualNodes PIE defines arrays in which the mesh topology is stored and reorganized and from which the extra nodes numbers, connectivities and locations are read by export templates. The PIE comes with 3 example export templates (for 6, 8 and 9 FEMs). The source code is also available for anyone who wants to change, enhance or use it for other purposes.
To download a copy click the link above. Please read the VNRead.txt file for detailed instructions
Generic Project PIE
The GenericProject PIE developed by Argus, allows anyone to easily automate the creation of a "stationery" project. A stationery project is a project which opens with a predefined set of layers, parameters, expressions, preferences and export templates.
OKCancel PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The OKCancel PIE allows you to query for user input during an export process. The functions are designed to be called from within export templates. Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
ProgressBar PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The progress bar PIE allows you to display a progress bar during the export of a model that advances as the export progresses. It also has a label and a memo with which messages to the user can be displayed without halting the export process. The contents of the memo can be saved to a text file. The progress bar shows the elapsed time and gives an estimate of the time remaining to complete the export process. Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
List PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The List PIE is made of some 30 functions for defining and using 1, 2 and 3D arrays which can be used to store, sort and manipulate data during an export template. Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
BlockList PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The BlockList PIE is made of some 60 functions for calculating spatial relations between a grid in a grid layer and contours in any number of information layers.
The main difference between doing this using BlockList PIE and doing something similar with Argus ONE functions is that the PIE stores a list of the cells in the order in which they are encountered along the contour. The package was developed for use with MODFLOW's stream package. It can be used in any export template that requires to synthesize information from the intersection of grids and contours in information layers.Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
JoinFiles PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The JoinFiles PIE contains functions allowing one to join, delete, rename and split files, and to convert an integer to string, all to be used from an export template. Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
ReadFile PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS) (Nov. 3 1999)
The ReadFile PIE contains functions allowing one to open and create files in memory and to then read the files and return the values of "keys" (the file should contain sets of "keys" and values) The functions are to be used from an export template. Source code is available from Richard B. Winston (
Detailed description of the functions including examles are available in the readme.txt file contained within the zip file you download.
EditContours PIE - by Richard B. Winston (USGS)
The EditContours PIE contains the following five utility PIEs:
- Edit Contours is used to numerically edit the positions of individual vertices in contours.
- Reverse Contours on Clipboard reverses the order of the vertices in a contour.
- Data to Contour converts data points on a data layer to point contours on an information layer.
- Import Points from Spreadsheet allows you to import point contours into Argus ONE from a spreadsheet-like format. Data values may be rearranged to be imported into specified Argus ONE parameters.
- Import Contours from Spreadsheet allows you to import contours into Argus ONE from a spreadsheet-like format. Data values may be rearranged to be imported into specified Argus ONE parameters.
Detailed description of the PIE and its use, installation instructions and the source code are all available form the USGS web site at:
JoinContours PIE- by Richard B. Winston
- The JoinContours PIE provides a method for combining multiple contours into a single contour and a method to reduce the number of vertices in contours.
- Join Contours may be used to join open contours which have their first and last vertices exactly overlap. This may be useful when importing contours from CAD or GIS programs and when you need to use the contours to specify a domain outline contour or to assign values to zones in information type layers.
- Declutter Contours may be used to reduce the number of vertices defining a contour. Contours that are imported from CAD or GIS programs sometimes have too many vertices for the resolution you require. Such redundant information may slow down interpolation and meshing.
Shapefile IO PIE version 3.0.4
This new version of the PIE adds support for new Shapefile format details that have been added lately. It improves the abilityh of the PIE to open Shapefiles correctly and the compatibility of the shapefiles created by it with the latest GIS packages
The PIE is distributed with the Argus ONE Installer, and is provoded here simply for those who already have Argus ONE installed and do not wish to re-install it.
To install this version of the PIE simply download and move it into the ArgusPIE directory within the Argus Interware directory, allowing the operating system to replace the old version with this one.
To download this version please click here.